DZENI TENG official website

Welcome to My Official Website.

I would like to call it a "Fan Site" but I probably only have 5 fans right now, my 3 kids, my sister and my mom.

I started working in earnest in the business of acting 3 months before turning 45. So call me a late bloomer, call me crazy, call me a middle-aged mom trying to chase a childhood dream... I am all of them!

I want to see how far I can go in this business.

I know it will be a difficult road. The path I am taking is filled with youth, beauty and plenty of talent and desire.

I hope to take the path less travelled and find a niche that is all my own. What that is, I am yet to discover.

There is a place in the industry for a middle-aged Asian woman with spunk, character and real life experiences to bring to her work.

Keep an eye out for me next time you go to the movies!


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